Frequently asked questions:
If you don't find your question in the
list or need more help, click here
to contact me.
Purchasing questions: |
are my options for placing an order? |
there any other fees involved besides my initial purchase?
Symbols library questions:
Compatibility - drawing units - upgrades -
modification - etc. |
Will your symbol libraries work with a MAC
computer? |
your symbol libraries compatible with CAD programs that
use non-English commands? |
How do
I remove your symbols library DEMO version from AutoCAD or
Draftsight? |
do I remove your symbols library DEMO version from
Bricscad? |
symbol libraries work with other Autodesk products? |
have any other symbol libraries in stock? |
periodic upgrades available for the symbol libraries? |
add my own symbols to the library? |
License questions: |
How do
I know how many licenses to purchase? |
Errors / Troubleshooting: |
loaded a symbols library and tried to use it. I'm
getting this error..."Dialogs are not available because
DCL Files are not loaded". What's wrong? |
I restart AutoCAD, the symbols library menu disappeared.
How do I keep the menu installed in the menu bar? |
your symbol libraries compatible with CAD programs that
use non-English commands?
CAD software uses French, German, Hungarian etc.
commands, I can modify my symbol libraries to work with
your CAD software. Please contact me for a language
specific symbols library.
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Can I add my own symbols to the library?
The license agreement does not allow
the user to modify the library in any way. If you have a
set of symbols you would like to add to a library that you
purchased, I can add them for you. Please contact me for
further details.
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I loaded my symbols library and tried to use it. I'm
getting this error...
"Dialogs are not available because
DCL Files are not loaded". Is there a fix?
This fix applies for the full
version of AutoCAD:
(For AutoCAD LT, see below)
The "base.dcl" file is probably not
loaded in AutoCAD, or AutoCAD does not know where to find
it, or there is a problem with it.
First, try loading the BASE.DCL file.
Copy and paste this line of text into AutoCAD's command
line and press Enter: (load_dialog "base.dcl")
Restart AutoCAD.
If that didn't work, then AutoCAD does
not know where to find the file BASE.DCL.
Use Search in Windows. The location of
the Search feature varies per Windows version. It should
be found by clicking on the Windows Start button, or it's
next to the Start button. You'll need to search your hard
drive for the file BASE.DCL
Take note of the exact path where
BASE.DCL is located, then follow these steps:
- In AutoCAD's command line, type
OPTIONS, press Enter.
- Click the "Files" tab. Click on
the plus symbol next to "Support File Search Path" to
expand the list.
- Make sure AutoCAD's "Support"
folder is listed there and that the path agrees with
the path you found after searching for BASE.DCL. If
they don't match, modify the path under "Support File
Search Path" so it's the same as the path in the
Search result.
If neither of these work, then the
problem is with your "base.dcl" file. You'll need to
reinstall AutoCAD.
This fix applies for AutoCAD LT:
The "base.dcl" file is probably not
loaded in AutoCAD LT, or AutoCAD LT does not know where to
find it, or there is a problem with it.
Use Search in Windows. The location of
the Search feature varies per Windows version. It should
be found by clicking on the Windows Start button, or it's
next to the Start button. You'll need to search your hard
drive for the file BASE.DCL
Take note of the exact path where
BASE.DCL is located, then follow these steps:
- In AutoCAD LT's command line,
type OPTIONS, press Enter.
- Click the "Files" tab. Click on
the plus symbol next to "Support File Search Path" to
expand the list.
- Make sure AutoCAD's "Support"
folder is listed there and that the path agrees with
the path you found after searching for BASE.DCL. If
they don't match, modify the path under "Support File
Search Path" so it's the same as the path in the
Search result.
If this did not work, then the problem
is with your "base.dcl" file. You'll need to reinstall
Top of page |
Will these symbol libraries work with other Autodesk
The symbol libraries are verified to
be compatible with the following Autodesk software:
- AutoCAD
- AutoCAD LT
- Autodesk Architect
- Civil 3D
- Plant 3D
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Will your symbol libraries work with a MAC computer?
No, the symbol libraries on my site
are only compatible with the PC version of AutoCAD,
Draftsight, BricsCAD and ZWCAD.
Top of
page |
Do you have any other symbol libraries in stock?
No. All symbol libraries
in stock are listed on this website.
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Are there periodic upgrades available for the symbol
Yes. Whenever an upgrade for a
particular symbol library is made available, I'll
send out an email that will notify past customers that an
upgrade is available. Also, in the library's menu, click
on "Check for upgrade..." to see if an upgrade is
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How do I remove your symbols library DEMO version from
AutoCAD or Draftsight?
When you installed the demo version of
one of the symbol libraries, a new folder was created on
your computer's C: drive. That folder's name depends on
which symbols library demo you downloaded.
On your computer's desktop,
double-click on the "My Computer" icon. Then double-click
on your C: drive icon. Look for a folder with "-CTO-DEMO"
in the name. Delete that folder.
Example: If you downloaded and
installed the DEMO version of the "Piping Symbols Library
v1.2", delete the folder PIPING-CTO-DEMO from your
computer's C: drive.
Restart your CAD software to clear the
demo pulldown menu. The demo version is now removed.
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How do I remove your symbols library DEMO version from
This procedure removes the "Steel
Shapes Library v2.0" demo from Bricscad. If you installed
a different demo library, substitute "STEEL" with the demo
you installed.
- Type MENULOAD in Bricscad's
command line, press Enter. The Customization Groups
window will appear.
- Select the STEEL-CTO-DEMO menu
in the Loaded Customizations Groups. Click the Unload
button, then click Close.
- Delete the folder
STEEL-CTO-DEMO from your computer's C: drive.
- Restart Bricscad to clear the
demo pulldown menu. The demo version is now removed.
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How do I know how many licenses to purchase?
Individual user licenses:
- Can be purchased for 1 and up to 8 users.
- Buy additional licenses to add more users as
- The license is a per CAD
workstation license. It is not a floating or
concurrent license.
- The number of licenses
you need is equal to the number of CAD
workstations where you need to install the
symbols library.
- Once installed, anyone
using that CAD workstation can use the symbols
Unlimited user license:
- Cost effective for a company that currently
has 9 or more CAD users.
- It's a one time purchase. Add as many users as
you need without buying additional licenses.
- The symbols library can
be installed on any number of CAD
- The symbols library can
be set up to work with a network server. When
placing an order, please contact
me if you prefer a network server
install rather than an individual CAD
workstation install.
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Are there any other fees involved
besides my initial purchase?
Your initial purchase is your only
cost. There are no other costs, such as annual or
subscription fees.
However, when an upgrade for your symbols library becomes
available, there will be a fee involved to purchase that
upgrade. If you do not need the upgrade (the new features
or blocks added to the library), you do not need to
purchase it and can continue using your current symbols
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When I restart AutoCAD, the symbols library menu
disappeared. How do I keep the menu installed in the
menu bar?
In AutoCAD's menu bar, click on
Tools > Workspaces > Workspace settings. When the
window appears, check the button next to "Automatically
save workspace changes". Click Apply, then OK.
Then, reload the symbols library per
the instructions located in the folder C:\Install-symbolslibrary-CTO
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What are my options for placing an order?
At the bottom of each symbol library's
web page, you'll find your options for placing an order
for that library. Your options are as follows:
- Credit Card - Visa,
MasterCard, American Express, Discover and many more
- Google Pay
- PayPal
- Purchase Order - more
Sorry, orders can not be taken over
the phone at this time.
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