BricsCAD Symbol Libraries
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Symbol libraries for BricsCAD v20 and newer

2D piping, 3D piping, isometric piping, p&id symbols for AutoCAD Piping 4 Pack v1.0
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A bundle of all 4 of my popular piping symbol libraries for one low price!

This library contans over 31,000 blocks, well organized and easily accessed from a pulldown menu. Simply choose the symbols you need from the following categories:
  • 3D Piping Symbols
  • 2D Piping Symbols
  • Isometric Piping Symbols
  • P&ID Symbols
Easy to use! Just install it and you'll be productive instantly!

2D Piping Symbols Library for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Piping Symbols Library v1.0
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This comprehensive piping block library contains over 22,000 2D piping symbols in several different symbol categories. This is not just a set of blocks, but a fully functional easy to use program that loads in BricsCAD's menu bar. Just choose what you need from the pull-down menu.

3D Piping Symbols Library for BricsCAD 3D Piping Symbols Library version 3.0
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This comprehensive three dimensional piping symbols library contains over 6,000 solid model piping blocks in several different material categories. After you've finished your layout, use the Data Extraction command to create a Bill of Material. This is not just a set of blocks, but an easy to use program that loads in BricsCAD's menu bar.

Steel Shapes Library version 4.0
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Within seconds, you'll be able to select and insert the steel shape or welding symbol you need for your structural layouts. This menu driven block library contains over 1,300 steel shape end, side and top views from the AISC Steel Construction Manual 15th Edition. Also included are welding symbols drawn to AWS specifications. Extremely easy to use and accurate.

P&ID Symbols Library for BricsCAD P&ID Symbols Library version 3.0
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Quickly generate piping & instrumentation diagrams with this easy to use symbols library. Symbols conform to ANSI / ISA-5.1-2009

Isometric Piping Symbols Library for BricsCAD Isometric Piping Symbols Library version 2.0
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Create isometric piping diagrams with ease. This block library contains over 1,000 isometric piping symbols in several different categories: flanged, buttweld, socket, threaded and Victaulic. Also includes pumps, tanks, filters, gauges, hoses and much more. All symbols are drawn in left, right and top isoplane views.

Architect Symbols Library version 1.0
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This library contains 524 symbols that are commonly used to create architectural drawings. It's easy to use. Quickly find and insert the symbol you need from the pull-down menu and dialog boxes.

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